Stinky Flowers is a euphemism for marriage & motherhood. {Huh?} I’ll explain:

My oldest son (4 1/2), Nate, loves to pick  flowers for me to wear in my hair. I know. So sweet you just got a cavity, right?  The first time he gave me one, he was so proud.  “Mommy, I picked this flower for you because I saw it in my heart and I love you in my heart!” Well, it was one of those Mommy/Hallmark moments you dream about. I was so overwhelmed with love for my sweet, angel-boy, I started to cry…right up until I got a whiff of the thing. It smelled like ass. Now the tears running down my face were from the funky flower fumes. “Mommy? Aren’t you going to wear the flower in your hair?” asked my doe-eyed child. “Huh? Oh…yeah…of course I am! I love it! It’s just what I always wanted. Thank you, Nate…you made me the happiest Mommy in the whole world!” And I put that stinky flower right behind my ear (2 inches from my nose) and wore it proudly despite my nausea and the glares of offended strangers I came close to!

Now, doesn’t that sum up Motherhood? All the wonderful moments of unconditional love surrounded by all the stinky stuff.

10 Responses to “About the name…”

  1. What a wonderful writer you are. I loved the story about the snake and your Dad. The pictures of you and Scott are really cute. Thanks for the blog.

  2. Halene Says:

    Hey You are just so funny….Waiting with baited breath for the next installment!
    Kiss those boys for me!

  3. Maryellen — I saw you at the Improv @ Harrah’s Las Vegas this past Sunday. What an absolute hoot you are! Such funny perspectives about most ordinary things. REALLY enjoyed your “act” and hope that much success comes to you. Great job and good luck.

  4. Chanelle Says:

    Those boys are getting so BIG! And CUTE! Tell them both I said Hi. Can’t wait to read more!

  5. Lorie Fritts Says:

    Just wanted to send a note of appreciation, we just returned from your show in Erie. I laughed so hard that I was out of breath several times. You can’t imagine how wonderful it is for us in small town America to be treated to someone like yourself who is larger than life. Thanks so much for joining us and brightening our lives.

  6. Cynthia D. Horton Says:

    Hey Girl, I loved reading through your thoughts…that in itself was scary. What a wonderful perspective. I enjoyed it all and can see some of the kids I fostered through your stories. Great stuff. From your homegirl in El Paso.

  7. Susie Wolverton Says:

    My daughter & I saw you at Hilarities in Cleveland on Friday night. Our third time – and waiting for the next! After you & I shared “huggies,” you told me to “check out (my) blog.”

    Not knowing what a “blog” is, I thought perhaps that was a little personal, but what the heck! Now I get it – it’s writing a book of experiences and giving it away FREE chapter-by-chapter. Hmmmmm – do I have to pay you royalties if I put it together in book form and get rich from it?

    Don’t forget to include “colic vs. cowlick” in your shows! That was a hoot!

    Tell your mom I said hi!

    Susie (Grammy to Cayden & 2 grand-puppies)

  8. Emily Parker Says:

    I couldn’t agree more with your multitude of fans! I am however rather sad that we haven’t had an update in nearly a month, surely having your haircut go unnoticed isn’t a reason to abandon hope?

    Emily Parker

  9. Scott Hardy Says:

    I LOVE this back story!

  10. LFFL Says:

    How adorable is he.

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